Modal Auxiliari pada dasarnya adalah verb dapat berupa verb tunggal , gabungan verb dengan preposisi atau kata depan. Karena modal auxiliary merupakan verb, maka ia juga akan mengalami perubahan sesuai perubahan tenses (misalnya Will menjadi would pada past tense) atau jika tidak ada bentuk perubahannya maka digunkan similarnya (misalnya must pada past tense berubah menjadi  had to, dari have to).

Pada kesempatan ini saya ingin berbagi pembahasan Modal Auxiliary dan diuraikan berdasarkan fungsinya. Silahkan membaca.

I. Modal Auxiliary for Future Time yang sering digunakan dalam Future Tense
Untuk menyatakan kondisi atau peristiwa yang akan terjadi atau hal yang akan dilakukan di masa yang akan datang dapat dilakukan tanpa menggunakan modal atau dengan modal.

1. Suatu aksi/peristiwa pasti dan segera. (bakalan, kemungkinan dilakukan/terjadi 100%).
Modal aux.: Be going to atau be about to
Contoh :
• Look, it’s claudy ! it is going to rain.
• I am going to meet Tom (Tom will be surprised)
• This lift is going to break down , I hear it make strange noises.
• Are you going to leave without paying?
• I am about to meet Tom
• I am just about to leave

2. Suatu rencana atau aksi/peristiwa yang diyakini akan dilakukan /terjadi (akan, 100%)
Modal Aux. : Will/shall
Contoh :
• This lift will break down because it is always averload. (it will happen some time)
• “He will kill us if we betray him.” – “Yea, I know he will.”

3. Pembicara merasa bahwa suatu hal bisa saja terjadi. Pembicara hampir yakin (seharusnya, kemungkinan, 90%).
Modal Aux.: should/ought to
Contoh :
• Kay has been studying hard, she should do/ought to do the test well.

4. Pembicara merasa bahwa suatu hal bisa saja terjadi bisa juga tidak (mungkin, bisa saja, kemungkinan 50%).
Modal Aux.: may, might, Could
Contoh :
• Kay has been studying lately, she may/might/could do the test well.

II. Modal Auxiliary of Conclusion (Degree of certainty, kemungkinan)
Digunakan dalam kalimat yang bermaksud untuk memberikan kesimpuan, persangkaan, dugaan terhadap suatu kejadian/peristiwa yang mungkin terjadi, sedang terjadi atau telah terjadi, atau sedang berlangsung dimasa lalu (past tense), bermakna pasti, sangat mungkin, kemungkinan besar, mungkin.
Bebarapa grammarian memasukkannya kedalam Modal of Perfect, karena pada past tense selalu berbentuk perfect, dan dapat digunakan dalam bentuk continuous tense.


1. Pasti (95% yakin akan dilakukan/terjadi),
Modal Aux.: must,
past tense --> must have + V3
Contoh : Yesterday, when we played football, she must have been studying

2. Kemungkinan besar (90% yakin akan dilakukan/terjadi),
Modal Aux.: should/ought to,
past tense --> should have + V3/ought to have

3. Mungkin(50% yakin akan dilakukan/terjadi),
Modal Aux.: may,
past tense --> may have + V3

4. Mungkin(50% yakin akan dilakukan/terjadi),
Modal Aux.: could/can,
past tense --> could have + V3


1. Pasti tidak (keyakinan 100%)
Modal Aux.: tanpa Modal Aux. Simple tense

2. tidak mungkin(keyakinan 99%)
Modal Aux.: couldn’t/can’t atau could not/can not
past tense --> couldn’t have + V3 atau could not have + V3
Contoh : If She didn't study, she couldn't have passed the exam

3. Pasti tidak(keyakinan 95%)
Modal Aux.: mustn't atau must not
past tense --> mustn't have + V3

4. Kemungkinan besar tidak (keyakinan 90%)
Modal Aux.: shouldn’t/oughtn’t to atau should not /ought not to
past tense --> shouldn’t have + V3/oughtn’t to have + V3

5. Mungkin tidak (keyakinan 50%)
Modal Aux.: mayn’t/mightn’t atau may not/might not
past tense --> mayn’t have + V3/mightn’t have + V3

Contoh :

SITUATION : Tom and his young son hear a noise on the roof.
a. Tom says, “I wonder what that noise is.”
b. His son says, “It may be abird.” (50% yakin/ragu-ragu)
c. Tom: “It can’t be a bird.” (99% yakin tidak, tidak mungkin)
d. His son : “Well, some birds do. It could be a big bird that’s running fast.” (50% yakin, menerka, menebak, mungkin)
e. Tom: “No, I think it must be some kind of animal (95% yakin). It might be a mouse (50% yakin, menerka, mungkin)”.
f. His son: “It sounds much bigger than a mouse. It may be a dragon.”
g. Tom: “Well, I suppose it might be some kind of lizard.”
h. His son: “I’ll go look.”
i. Tom: “That’s a good Idea”
j. His son comes back and says, “Guess what, Dad. It’s a rat” (simple present used for 100% certainty)


III. Spontaneity (meminjam Istilah Elfast)
Merupakan kelompok-kelompok Modal Auxiliary yang tidak memiliki bentuk susunan Ving. Jika ada perubahan tenses menghendaki perubahan bentuk modal (misal can menjadi could) jika tidak bisa maka menggunakan similar –nya (missal can menjadi be able). (pembagian kelompok hanyalah untuk kepentingan pembelajaran).

3.1. Kelompok I.

a. Ability (bisa, mampu)
Modal Auxuliary : Can, could (bisa)
Similar of Modal : be able + to inf (bisa, mampu)
Contoh :
Simple present
--> I can climb that tree
--> I am able to climb that tree
Present Perfect
--> I have been able to climb that tree
Simple Past -
--> I could climb that tree
--> I am able to climb that tree
Past Perfect
--> I had been able to climb that tree

b. Necessity (wajib/harus)
Modal Auxiliary : Must (+ wajib), harus, Must not (- tidak boleh)
Similar Expression of Modal Auxiliary :
•be to (must) --> perintah langsung atau pengharapan bahwa seseorang/ sesuatu harus.
•have to, don’t have --> (+) harus, perlu, (-) tidak perlu/harus
•have got to, have gotta (non formal)--> (+) harus, perlu, (-) tidak perlu/harus
Contoh :
Simple present
--> I must climb that tree
--> I am to climb that tree
--> He is to stay here till we come.
--> I have to climb that tree
--> I have got to climb that tree
Present Perfect
--> I have been to climb that tree lately.
--> he has been to stay here till we come.
--> I have had to climb that tree
Past Tense
--> I was to climb that tree.
--> He was to stay here till we come, but she went away.
--> I had to climb any tree
--> I had got to climb that tree
Past Perfect Tense
--> I had been to climb that tree that time.
--> he had been to stay here till we come.
--> I had had to climb that tree

c. Past Habit/ Repeated action (biasanya)
Modal Auxiliary : Used to, usedn’t to / didn’t use to --> Past habit, biasanya
Similar Expression of Modal Auxiliary : would, would not --> Repeated action regulary. biasanya
Similar Expression of Modal Auxiliary : be used to + Ving -->(used = adj, terbiasa)
Contoh :
Present Tense
--> I’m used to working in a noisy room. (terbiasa)
Present Perfect
--> I ‘ve been used to working in a noisy room. (terbiasa)
Past Tense
--> I used to work in a noisy room.
--> My father used to read me a story before bed time.
--> I used to live in California (biasanya)
--> My father would read me a story before bed time.
--> I was used to working in a noisy room. (dulu terbiasa, sekarrang mungkin tidak)
Past perfect Tense
--> I ‘d been used to working in a noisy room. (dulu terbiasa)

d. Bravery and rudeness
Modal Auxiliary : Dare, daren’t --> Berani, lancang
Similar Expression of Modal Auxiliary : Dare (to) --> Berani, lancang (dare = verb)
Present Tense
--> I dare climb that tree
--> How dare you open my letter (beraninya/lancang kami membuka surat saya)
Present Perfect
--> I have dared (to) climb that tree
Past Tense
--> I dared (to) climb that tree
Past perfect Tense
--> I had dared (to) climb that tree

3.2. Kelompok II (lanjutan)

Selalu dalam bentuk Present Tense, kecuali ketika menggunakan Similar Expression of Modal Auxiliary

a. Wishes (harapan)
Modal Auxiliary : May (semoga)
--> May God help me. Semoga Tuhan membantu saya. (God may help me,Tuhan mungkin membatu saya)

b. Willingness (keinginan)
Modal Auxiliary : Will (akan, mau)
--> The phone is ringing, I will get it. ; you look thirsty, I will get you a drink.
Similar expression of Modal : be wiling to (berkeinginan, bersedia, mau), “willing” merupakan adjective
Simple present
--> Apparently John and Gabriel are willing for us to use their garden.
--> You said you needed a volunteer - well, I'm willing.
Present Perfect
--> John and Gabriel have been willing for us to use their garden.
Simple present
--> John and Gabriel were willing for us to use their garden.
Present Perfect
--> John and Gabriel had been willing for us to use their garden.

c. Polite request “I” as Subject (meminta izin, bolehkan saya)
Modal Auxiliary : can (informal, less polite/ boleh kah)
--> Can I borrow your pen? Yes please; sure, why not ; I’m sorry, you can’t
Modal Auxiliary : May, might, could (polite / boleh kah. ketiganya setara dalam makna)
--> Could I see Mr. Jones, please? Yes please ; sure, why not ; I’m sorry, you may not.
Modal Auxiliary : Would you mind if I (Sangat sopan, keberatan kah)
--> Woud you mind if I borrow you pen?
--> Would you mind if I close the window?
--> Jawaban yang mungkin : not at all ; I’m sory, I would rather not.

d. Polite request You as Subject (menyuruh)
Modal Auxiliary : can (informal, less polite/maukah)
Modal Auxiliary : will, could, would (Polite/Maukah, lebih sopan menggunakan would)
--> Can/will/could/would you show me that? ; Can/will/could/would you (please) show me the way?
--> Jawaban : Sure, why not ; Sure, okay (informal) ; dll
Modal Auxiliary : Would you mind + Ving (Sangat sopan/ keberatan kah/maukah)
--> Would you like to lend me your pen?
--> Would you mind closing the window
Modal Auxiliary : Would you like + to inf (sangat sopan/ keberatan kah/maukah)
--> Would you like to lend me your pen? ; Would you like to open the window?
Jawaban yang mungkin : not at all, I’m sory ; I would rather not ; no, I’d be glad to ; Sure, okay (informal).

e. Request and permission
Similar expression of Modal Auxiliary: be allowed to (diizinkan untuk), “allowed” merupakan adjective.
Simple present
--> Am I allowed to borrow your pen? Yes you are (allowed to); No, You are not (allowed to). ; Sure, why not. ; etc.
--> Are we allowed to pass the way? Yes you are (allowed to); No, You are not (allowed to). ; Sure, why not. ; etc.
--> Are they allowed to go home early? Yes they are (allowed to); No, they are not (allowed to). ; Sure, why not. ; etc.
Present Perfect
--> Have we been allowed to pass the way
--> Have they been allowed to go home early?
Simple Past
--> Were we allowed to pass the way?
--> Were they allowed to go home early?
Past Perfect
--> Had you been allowed to use his pen?
--> Had you been allowed to pass the border?
--> Had they been allowed to go home early?

3.3. Kelompok III

a. Advisability (saran, usulan, nasehat)
Modal Auxiliary : Should/ought to (saran: seharusnya)
Similar expression of Modal Auxiliary : had better (saran, seharusnya, tapi dengan konsekuensi), be supposed to (seharusnya)
Contoh :
Simple present
--> You should study for the exam
--> You had better be on time, or we will leave without you
--> What are you doing out of bed - you're supposed to be asleep.
--> You're not supposed (= allowed) to park here.
Present Perfect
--> You haven’t been supposed (= allowed) to park here.
Simple Past
--> You should have study for the exam, but you didn’t.
--> You were not supposed (= allowed) to park here.
Past Perfect
--> You hadn’t been supposed (= allowed) to park here.

b. Suggestion (saran yang bersifat affirmative, pendapat biasa)
Modal Auxiliary : Should (sebaiknya)
Similar expression of Modal Auxiliary : could (bisa, sebenarnya bisa. bisa saja sebaiknya).
Contoh :
Present Tense
--> I need help in math. You could talk to your teacher.
Past Tense
--> I need help in math. You could have talked to your teacher.

c. Preference (pilihan, kecederungan, cenderung memilih)
Modal Auxiliary : would rather, prefer + Ving, would prefer to
Contoh :
Present Tense
--> I would rather go to the park than stay at home.
--> I prefer going to the park than stay at home.
--> I would prefer to go to the park than stay at home.
Present Perfect Tense
--> I have preferred ging to the park
Past Tense
--> I need help in math. You could have talked to your teacher
Past Perfect Tense
--> I had preferred going to the park

d. Obligation (kebutuhan, menyatakan bahwa seseorang itu perlu untuk…)
Modal Auxiliary : need (perlu, tidak memiliki bentuk past, kecuali similarnya, termasuk “modal perfect” dimana bentuk past tense adalah “need have v3”)
Similar expression of Modal Auxiliary : need (verb, perlu/butuh).

Present Tense
--> You need make two copies
--> She needn’t stand in aqueue. she could get a ticket from the machine.
Present perfect
--> She has needed stand in aqueue. (“needed” disini adalah V3, bukan modal Auxiliary)
Past Tense (selalu dala bentuk Perfect Tense)
--> You need have made two copies.
--> She needn’t have stood in aqueue. she could have got a tickit from the machine.